The highly anticipated “Dragon Ball Daima” has officially premiered, marking a significant milestone in the franchise’s 40-year history. The launch event, coupled with the release of its first episode “Conspiracy,” has generated...
The “Voltron” franchise, a cornerstone of the mecha genre, is set for a significant revival with its upcoming live-action adaptation. Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber, this project aims to captivate both long-standing fans and new audiences. Here are...
Humans have always been drawn to sticks, from prehistoric spears to broom handles. But nothing compares to a stick that promises magic, like the interactive wands at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. A simple resin and tech creation with the power to enchant even...
My kid plays Fortnite. Yeah, I know, most of them are. From time to time, I play with him, too. But I’m not just any sideline dad cheering from the couch. No, I dive in, headset and all, battling it out in the eye of the storm. But of course, he is better than...
Alright, gather ’round because this is one of those stories that’s just plain cool, whether you’re into Taylor Swift, LEGOs, or both. Imagine turning Taylor Swift’s incredible journey through her music into something you can build with tiny...
No other literary genre could make a human brain produce so much imagination and emotions than science fiction and fantasy. From the vacuum of space where no one can hear you scream as a laser cannon blasts your ship to smithereens to the burst of dragon fire that...
Book lovers know the importance of a decent reading light. Whether you’re curled up in bed with a book or at your desk with a textbook, the appropriate lighting can make or break your reading experience. LED book reading lights are popular due to their energy...
Do you get tired of straining your eyes while you read in the dark? A book light can save your life! Though, with so many book lights on the market for grown ups, or kids, it might be difficult to choose which one is ideal for you. Leets find out the top book light...